Caitlin Spanogle is an Air Force reserve officer and a devoted nurse. Caitlin has completed ten years on active duty and has been deployed to Texas, California, Alaska, and Oklahoma. She has enjoyed serving the community and being an active part in the military. She has served individuals on the front line, in hospitals, and veteransShe was nominated by Heidi Mosher, her childhood friend of thirty years and the person that inspired Caitlin to pursue her passion in the medical field. Her compassion and determination while assisting others exhibits her sense of honor and humble dedication to her community. 

Caitlin’s training in the military assisted her in remaining composed and focused after coming upon a tragic motorcycle accident. With minimal medical supplies, she was able to assist two of the victims with severe head injuries until the paramedics arrived. 

What does she feel you can do to be a hero every day?  “The biggest thing we can do for each other is to be kind. Kindness costs nothing and simple acts go a long way, especially during these times. It’s important to serve our community and the best way to do that is to be kind to one another.” 

This hero is sponsored by Nationwide, a company that is dedicated to giving back to the communities they serve! Thank you, Nationwide!

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