The Castle Rock Fire and Rescue Department’s commitment to their community is unmatched. CRFD crews strive to serve their community in innovative ways and in all kinds of situations and scenarios.  2020 brought many new and unique challenges to the world in which we live, and CRFD responded.

CRFD members looked for ways to connect with the community despite social distancing. Firefighter Ross Marsh had an idea. He proposed that first responders film themselves reading a children’s book while at work and in their uniforms. The videos would be released weekly on social media for the community to enjoy. His proposal was well received and Books and Badges: Story Time with CRFD took off!

Books and Badges ran from April 2020 to June, reaching over 100,000 people on social media. Comments and expressions of gratitude poured in from the community. “My kiddos LOVE these! Thank you for all you do!” “Great stuff happening from the CRFD! Thank you for your service.” “We really enjoyed it. Thanks so much! My daughter’s message to you: “More! More! More firefighter stories!” “Hahahayou guys make us smile. Thanks!” “I don’t have little ones anymore but still enjoyed it!” “Love sharing these with my class! You guys are helping with my remote teaching.”  

The excellence and dedication to service provided by CRFD members shone in their efforts to engage the community during difficult times. Reading children’s stories might not be in the job description, but CRFD went above and beyond to bring a sense of connection and delight to the Castle Rock community. 

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