Service to the Armed Forces Amid COVID-19

by Catie Ballenger, American Red Cross Earlier this week, the American Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming was able to provide 20 individual Service for the Armed Forces Care Kits for soldiers who are currently quarantined at Fort Carson due to COVID-19 issues. Each Care Kits included instant coffee, sweetener, coffee creamers, hot chocolate, cheese […]

Providing Help in an Uncertain Time

By Andrea Carlson, American Red Cross Emergencies do not stop even amid our current health crisis. The Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming has not changed its mission to people who live in our communities; it has, however, changed how we do our mission. Every day, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, volunteers continue to meet the […]

The Pillowcase Project

By Rick Padden The American Red Cross and the Thompson School District partnered up on a Pillowcase Project for the third year in a row– teaching Loveland third-graders how to pack pillowcases for emergency evacuations. According to District Wellness Coordinator, Kathy Schlepp, the program fits perfectly into the overall district goal of health education. “I’ve […]

World Health Day, Especially Poignant Today

By Amanda Waddell, American Red Cross Now, more than ever, the world is saying THANK YOU to nurses and medical professionals all over the world. Now, more than ever, we recognize their sacrifices and dedication to keeping the world safe and cared for. And now, more than ever, on this World Health Day, we take […]