From Sorrow Comes Hope

By Mary Jo Blackwood, American Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming Volunteer Becky and Joe Cann-Dusenberry had two healthy sons and were overjoyed in September 2021 when they found they would have a daughter joining their family in March 2022. That joy was soon tempered with panic when their ultrasound revealed that the baby had […]

The Critical Importance of Blood Donations

“I Know It’s a Primary Reason Why My Daughter is Alive” by Jana Novak, American Red Cross Volunteer Originally Published July 13, 2020. Updated and Republished on January 20, 2022 Fourteen years ago, holding two beautiful bouncing babies, Kimberly Arnold had no idea what a long journey lay ahead of her and her family. She […]

Blood Donations Keeping Families Together

By Mariama Fofana, American Red Cross Public Affairs On the morning of January 31, Jackie Devine woke up like every other day, feeling amazing and energized. Thirty-seven weeks pregnant, Jackie was counting down the days until she could meet her second baby girl. However, not long into her morning routine, she started to feel a […]

Paying It Forward

How the Lifesaving Gift of Blood Keeps on Saving Lives By Mary Jo Blackwood, American Red Cross of Colorado Public Affairs Volunteer In a story described as both wonderful and horrifying, Dr. Kaitlin Vellore’s path to parenthood left indelible gratitude for the lifesaving ability of blood donations. Several years ago, as a young pediatrician, Vellore […]

National Blood Donor Month

Donating blood is safe and can help save lives. Cancer patients, accident victims and so many others continue to need lifesaving blood. Healthy individuals are needed to give to help patients counting on lifesaving blood throughout this pandemic. Every day our American Red Cross teams work hard to provide moments of hope to patients in […]

What is it like to donate blood?

by Aiden Greco, American Red Cross Public Affairs Intern I have never donated blood before, and like many people, I prefer not to see blood, let alone have it taken out of me. When the American Red Cross of Mile High organized their first-ever blood drive in Denver, I knew I needed to bite the […]