‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the night.
Disaster volunteers were ready, heart shining bright.
Their vest were all packed, their kits by their side,In hopes that survivors soon would confide.
The shelters were set up, with cots row by row,
Where families sought refuge from wind that did blow.
And I in my vest, and my team by my side,
Had just settled in, for a long night’s ride.
When out of the darkness, there arose such a clatter,
We sprang from our cots to see what was the matter.
Away to the window, we flew like a flash,
To open the shelter door and offer some cash.
The moon on the breast of the fallen debris,
Gave a luster of hope to what once used to be.
When what to our wondering eyes should appear,
But survivors with stories, their faces sincere.
With blankets and water, we rushed to their side,
Offering comfort and care, no need to hide.
More rapid than eagles, our volunteers came,
And we whispered encouragement, calling them by name.
“Now, Christie, Now KG! Now, Michael and Barby!
Stay strong through the night, you are not alone, you see.
From the wreckage and ruins, we’ll rise from the fall.
Together we’ll stand, and rebuild one and all.
As smoke in the distance, does slowly clear,
We share tales of bravery, of love, and of fear.
So onward we work, through the night’s darkest hours,
Bringing hope to disaster-struck lives, like fresh blooming flowers.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the phone,
More volunteers coming, like angels they’re known.
As I turned around, and was heading inside,
More hands to assist, more hearts open wide.
We spoke not a word, but went straight to our task,
Setting up stations, no questions we’d ask.
And laying our fingers aside our nose,
With a nod and a smile, to our work we arose.
We sprang to our duties, to those in great need,
And tended to wounds, with love we did feed.
An I heard someone say, as we worked through the night,
“Thank you, dear volunteers, for bring us light.”
So, into the morning, as the sun starts to climb,
We’ll continue our work, side by side, all the time.
With hearts full of compassion, and strength from above,
Merry Christmas to all, let’s spread kindness and love.
Vanessa Hoener
December 2023