To all the heroes being honored in 2017, we can’t say it enough: Thank you!
Honoring our heroes at our March 10, 2017 Soiree was our chance to fully recognize and give thanks in person, to the giving, selfless individuals that have made such a difference. From preventing drowning, support for vets, using Red Cross or emergency medical skills where quick thinking is required, to organizing home fire campaigns, these volunteers went above and beyond.
–We raised nearly $500,000 for disaster relief in the communities we serve and we are thankful to the more than 650 people who attended the event and gave so generously.
Service to the Armed Forces Hero Award
Rex Laceby, Capt. USMC (Ret)
Rex Laceby, Capt. USMC (Ret)
In addition to being a decorated veteran himself, Rex has devoted his life to service to veterans. He not only leads the career placement program for veterans at University of Colorado, he has developed and teaches courses on how to create a welcoming environment for veterans—both on campus and in work places. This service is helping to both place returning veterans in the workforce, and to help create supportive environments where veterans can be successful. Rex is also well known in the community for his service as a volunteer with Boulder Emergency Squad. Video at: Armed Forces Hero.
Life Saving Hero Award
Christopher Francklyn
Christopher Francklyn
Chris is the coach of CU Club Rowing. He was out at the Boulder Reservoir performing
maintenance, when he realized rowers from a junior rower’s high school club were on the water as a very strong wind squall with 40+ miles per hour winds came up. Several rowing shells were swamped and rowers were in deep water. At great personal risk, Chris piloted the CU teams’ launch out to the stricken rowers, maneuvered skillfully up to the swamped racing shells, and proceeded to get them aboard his launch and out of the water. Despite very strong winds and waves breaking over his launch, he got all the nine student rowers safely to shore and away from danger. Video at: Lifesaving Award.
Youth Hero Award
Haley Bolen and Annabelle Schaeffer
Haley Bolen and Annabelle Schaeffer
During a camping trip at Sky High Ranch in Woodland Park, Haley was able to use skills which she learned during her week-long Red Cross babysitting course previously this year, to recognize the signs of a stroke and inform the parent volunteers at the camp what the emergency was. Haley recited the FAST rules to the parents and told them the scout leader was having a stroke. Haley’s quick thinking and fast action helped to save a life that day. Once the EMTs arrived, Haley assisted in giving information of symptoms to the medics. Annabelle was also instrumental in assisting Haley, and gave the emergency information needed to notify the scout leaders’ family of her condition and the hospital she was being flown to. These young ladies showed great lifesaving skills by keeping everyone calm, not panicking, and also knowing what to do in an emergency. Video at: Youth Hero Award
International Services Hero Award
Yadira Rodriguez Bernal
Yadira Rodriguez Bernal
Yadira was recently recognized as the Foreign Services 2016 Volunteer of the Year. She works at Nationwide Insurance full-time and her schedule includes Saturdays but she still finds time to visit the Immigration Detention Center and work with detainees. Yadira is originally from Colombia and utilizes her background to connect and provide comfort to people in the Aurora facility. She is a passionate supporter of the Red Cross in Denver and consistently helps in various Red Cross programs across several lines of service. In her spare time, Yadira organized a home fire prevention campaign for her co-workers to install smoke detectors in homes in vulnerable communities. Her dedication to others is obvious through the hours of time she so willingly gives through her volunteer service. Video at: International Services Award
Health and Safety Hero Award
Detective Shawna Gilbert and Sue Jordan

Video at: Health and Safety Award
Thanks to all of our Sponsors for the 2017 Heroes Soiree: