By Kimberly Blanco The day began as any other typical day in the lives of the residents of a Littleton senior apartment complex: drinking coffee, watching television, catching up with family and friends on Facebook. In an instant, this morning was not so typical at all. As the fire alarm began to sound, residents of […]
Final Update: Thursday, April 28 2016 The multi-agency resource center for seniors displaced from the Southview Place Towers apartments closed on Wednesday, April 27. However, help is still available for those affected by this disaster. People who were affected by the apartment fire are encouraged to register with the Red Cross for casework services, assistance […]
By Mary Urban Teaching others to be adept and clear-headed when handling emergencies not only benefits those who are being taught, but instills confidence in the instructor. It reinforces for the teacher what preparedness entails, as well as honing public interaction and speaking skills. The Red Cross offers the Preparedness Academy for those who enjoy […]
By MaryBeth Lawson From employee to rock star volunteer and philanthropist, Catherine Barde-Levanthal is an incredible example of what it means to give your time, talent and treasure. Catherine was first inspired to deploy following the devastating earthquake in Haiti. While Catherine said that she “didn’t know how I would be able to provide for […]
By Dana Goldsmith | Prepare Colorado Program Development Specialist American Red Cross For Winter Safety Awareness week, we thought this would be a good reminder … I left my house at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, March 23rd with a list of errands to run. I had intended to be home by noon, hearing that a sizeable […]
By Linda Julich, American Red Cross Feature Writer The Red Cross of Southeastern Colorado honored Hometown Heroes on March 17, 2013 at the Antlers Plaza Hotel in the beautiful Heritage Ballroom. Phil Long Dealerships served as the Title Sponsor for the event that had an impressive list of nominators, sponsors, and community and Red Cross […]
Nearly 350 people sheltered Wednesday evening Denver, Thursday, March 24, 2016, Noon – The American Red Cross of Colorado responded to the call for help on Wednesday as travelers were stranded across much of northeast Colorado. At the height of the response the Red Cross and partners had opened 13 emergency warming centers and was supporting […]
By Linda Julich At 1:30 a.m. on January 14, 2016, Laurie and Jerry Salazar were awakened to someone banging on their door, shouting “Fire! Get out! Fire! Get out!” That someone was their neighbor, Richard, and that fire was their apartment building. “I grabbed my husband, my dog and my phone,” Laurie said. They evacuated […]
By Cassie Schoon Jenni Gasbarro, Senior Director of Donor Relations for the American Red Cross COW Region The Red Cross responds to disasters of all sizes and scales, from home fires to hurricanes. And while the organization is tasked with providing preparedness resources and training for all disaster and conflict situations, preparing for events of […]
By Cassie Schoon Nuclear fears may seem like the campy artifacts of postwar paranoia, as dated as atomic-print curtains and foil-wrapped TV dinners. But this conception is soundly repudiated in Countdown to Zero, a documentary detailing the vulnerabilities and current dangers of the world’s nuclear arsenal. The 2010 film, directed by British filmmaker Lucy Walker, […]