Protecting the Humanity of Vulnerable Populations in Conflict: IHL Film Series to Screen “Casualties of War”

Cinematic representations of the Vietnam War hit new levels of grim realism in the 1980s. In 1987 alone, Hamburger Hill, Good Morning Vietnam, Platoon and Full Metal Jacket were released to American audiences, bringing violent and unforgiving images of the conflict into shopping-mall movie theaters everywhere. Filmmakers in the 80s explored the chaos, violence and cultural […]

Humanity, Migration and the Consequences of Standing By: Lunch & Learn Tackles Immigration to Europe

A Hellenic Red Cross volunteer helps Syrian refugees arriving by boat (photo credit: Reuters) The movement of migrants from the Middle East to Europe and the West has been deemed an international crisis by media, government leaders and social media – where the hashtag #migrantcrisis has arisen to tag stories, images and discussions. In the […]