The American Red Cross faces a severe blood shortage due to an unprecedented number of blood drive cancellations during this coronavirus outbreak. As the coronavirus pandemic has grown here in the U.S., blood drive cancellations also grow at an alarming rate. Healthy individuals are needed to schedule an appointment to give in the days and weeks ahead to help patients counting on lifesaving blood throughout this pandemic.
While the American Red Cross of Colorado does not collect blood, the community is encouraged to support self collecting hospitals by donating blood today.
Call or go online to schedule your blood donation:
Denver: Children’s Hospital Colorado Blood Donor Center 720-777-5398
Loveland: UCHealth Medical Center of the Rockies. 970-624-1510

Donating blood is safe and can help save lives. Cancer patients, accident victims and so many others continue to need lifesaving blood. Healthy individuals are needed to give in the days and weeks ahead to help patients counting on lifesaving blood throughout this pandemic.
Many people may have concerns right now about all aspects of public health. The American Red Cross assures that blood donation is a safe process and people should not hesitate to give. Blood drives have highest standards of safety and infection control.
In the midst of this coronavirus emergency, the American Red Cross of Colorado is asking people to take this responsibility seriously by practicing social distancing and donating blood. These two activities—which are not mutually exclusive—will go a long way in keeping community members healthy by slowing the spread of the virus and by ensuring that patients across the country receive lifesaving blood.