Tornado Safety

Know the difference between a tornado watch and warning. A tornado watch means a tornado is possible. A tornado warning means a tornado is already occurring or will occur soon. Know your community’s warning system. Many communities use sirens intended for outdoor warning purposes.   Watch for tornado danger signs: dark and greenish clouds, a […]

The Red Cross COVID Pivot Part 2

By Mary Jo Blackwood, American Red Cross of Colorado, Public Affaitrs As we discussed previously, the current pandemic has affected all aspects of Red Cross operations and service delivery, but because of our long established ability to pivot when confronted with barriers, Red Cross operations and services have continued. With the high visibility of disaster […]

May is National Wildfire Awareness Month

May is National Wildfire Awareness Month and the American Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming is urging everyone to plan now for dangerous wildfires and potential power outages. Last wildfire season the Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming provided 38,100 meals, 39,000 overnight stays and 3,009 disaster health contacts to wildfire evacuees. “After back-to-back years […]

Mental Health Awareness Month

By Jessica Hillenbrand, American Red Cross of Colorado, Public Affairs May is Mental Health Awareness month. When people think of the American Red Cross, they often don’t know that we offer mental health services to those affected by disaster and that we have a fantastic workforce serving as Disaster Mental Health volunteers. As defined by […]

Local Disaster Response in April 2021

American Red Cross of Colorado & Wyoming Volunteers Provide Relief to over 200 People After Local Emergencies In April Emergencies are more common than you may think. In fact, the American Red Cross responds to a disaster every eight minutes. Day and night, local Red Cross volunteers are there to provide emotional support, help families […]

Back to Good Order – With the Help of The Red Cross

By Roger Enix, American Red Cross Public Affairs Volunteer When a fire suddenly displaced Warren and his nine-year-old son in their Cortez home in March 2021, the American Red Cross of Western Colorado Disaster Action Team sprang into quick action to provide comfort and help meet the family’s immediate disaster-caused needs. Recovery began for the […]

Disabled, not Defeated

By Sarah Phelps, American Red Cross Public Affairs Volunteer Diversity and Inclusion are a hot topic right now.  Organizations worldwide are changing the way they approach relationships with employees, volunteers, and clients.  The focus often shifts away from disabled people or folks with access needs and responds to the most popular news story. The American […]

Get a kit. Make a plan. Stay informed.

Written by Pat Kondas, American Red Cross of Wyoming Public Affairs Volunteer As a Red Cross Community Volunteer Leader, I’ve presented the Be Red Cross Ready preparedness classes many times. I’ve got the mantra down. But even the most prepared person can forget some of the details, and the recent snowstorm reminded me of this […]

American Red Cross Honors Space Force SSgt.

While off-duty, SSgt. Saves Man’s Life with Quick Action and First Aid Training On March 8, 2020, at 1:30 p.m. Staff Sergeant Jason Mendoza-Anaya observed a man who had passed out and fell to the floor at a Colorado Springs laundry mat. When the man fell, his head hit the edge of a metal chair. […]

Winter Weather Shelters & Warming Centers

As blizzard conditions continue to impact communities across Colorado and Wyoming, several shelters and warming centers are open to allow people a place to go for warmth, comfort and necessities. Here is the list of the current places open for people needing to get out of the storm. March 14, 2020, 9:07 pm Platte County, […]