
by Robert Thomas, Regional GIS Lead/DA/GO Volunteer I started volunteering with the Red Cross after getting involved with the Woodland CERT program in Northern California in 2005. That program partnered with the local Red Cross chapter to give the CERT members an outlet for additional preparedness training. I soon went through the American Red Cross […]

Providing Help in an Uncertain Time

By Andrea Carlson, American Red Cross Emergencies do not stop even amid our current health crisis. The Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming has not changed its mission to people who live in our communities; it has, however, changed how we do our mission. Every day, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, volunteers continue to meet the […]

Language matters.

By Amanda Waddell, American Red Cross Volunteer Choosing to use certain words and phrasing can make all the difference in our society and our state of mind. And when a new global incident begins to arise, new terminology arises along with it. Already within this novel virus, COVID-19, phrases and wording that most of us […]

Together, We Will Get Through This

Written by Catie Ballenger, American Red Cross Today, the American Red Cross stood up to fill the gap public health agencies and health care facilities have started to feel. After hearing about the growing concerns and shortages of medical supplies across Colorado, the American Red Cross of Colorado gave 7,000 N95 masks to the Colorado […]

Stay Mentally Healthy throughout these Strange Times

By Amanda Waddell, American Red Cross Volunteer There’s no denying it. We are all experiencing a dramatic shift in our lives right now. The COVID-19 pandemic has found the majority of us in very different circumstances than we were in just a few weeks ago. Whether that is a change in work environment, loss of […]

Red Cross February 2020 Disaster Response

Every day, volunteers continue to meet the needs of individuals and families who have suffered from disasters. In the month of February, 143 people were provided support and care from American Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming. The majority of calls were for home fire support. In addition to disaster response, the American Red Cross continuously works to educate our […]