By Pat Kondas, American Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming Public Affairs On August 21, 2024, Wyoming Red Cross Executive Director Janet Lewis presented American Red Cross National Lifesaving Awards to three Converse County District #1 teachers and their CPR instructor. Teachers Chris Dutcher, Drew Hodgs and Justin Hoopman acted quickly and decisively to save […]
RED CROSS OF WYOMING Presents Lifesaving Awards OCTOBER 2022, CHEYENNE, WYOMING By Pat Kondas, American Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming Public Affairs The American Red Cross of Wyoming presented Lifesaving Awards to two people who used their skills or knowledge to save or sustain a life in times of emergency. The awards were presented […]
Story by Caitlin Ballenger Matthew Sargent Awarded the American Red Cross Lifesaving Award This week, Matthew Sargent was awarded the American Red Cross Lifesaving Award at an intimate ceremony at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO. This is one of the highest awards given by the American Red Cross to an individual or a […]

Daniel E. DeRose Selected as 2020 Recipient Nominate Your Local Hero Pueblo, CO, Friday, November 15, 2019 — Everyday in our community ordinary people perform extraordinary acts of compassion, community service, and heroism. The American Red Cross of Southeastern Colorado celebrates those heroes at the annual Pueblo Hometown Heroes dinner that will be held at […]

Story by Kate Walters/American Red Cross – Photos by Bill Fortune/American Red Cross “It really could have been anybody, but it was me. I’m very thankful to have received all of the great training for the work that I do with kids.” Diane Perez was very surprised this morning at the Child Development Center on […]

Story by Beth Bernhardt Additional photos of this event can be found at this link: The American Red Cross of Northern Colorado hosted a gala event May 16, 2019 to honor “hometown heroes” who had gone above and beyond to save life and property in the community. It takes great individuals to step up […]

Story by Amy Blackford. Photos by Janet Koelling and Mary Urban – American Red Cross What makes a hero? Is it someone who wears brightly colored tights, has superpowers, and a signature takedown move? Or is it an ordinary person who performs an extraordinary act of servitude to their greater community? On March 8, heroes […]

Thursday night, February 21, 2019 was a great night to recognize some wonderful local heroes. The 2019 Pueblo Hometown Heroes Dinner was a great success with over 350 people attending the dinner held at the Sangre de Cristo Arts and Conference Center in Pueblo. ENT Credit Union was the Title Sponsor for this event with […]

Everyday in our community ordinary people perform extraordinary acts of compassion, community service and heroism. The American Red Cross of Southeastern Colorado celebrates those heroes at the annual Colorado Springs Hometown Heroes dinner that will be held at the Broadmoor, Rocky Mountain Ball Room in Colorado Springs on Thursday, March 14, 2019 from 6:00 to […]

Red Cross Announces Hero Awards for 2019 Pueblo Hometown Heroes Dinner 2 Pueblo, CO, Tuesday, January 29, 2019 — Everyday in our community ordinary people perform extraordinary acts of compassion, community service and heroism. The American Red Cross of Southeastern Colorado celebrates those heroes at the annual Pueblo Hometown Heroes dinner that will be held […]