Are you looking for ideas on activities you can undertake during National Preparedness Month? Check out these free online resources from FEMA. Below are clickable links to training that relates to preparedness and disaster response. These links will open in a new window. These courses are free and online so you can take them at […]
by Patricia Billinger In 2014, we’re celebrating 100 years of the Red Cross saving lives in Colorado.I’ve talked to more than a dozen regular people who are just like any one else, but with one important difference: they have used their ordinary hands to save someone’s life. In general, they all say the same two […]

The first thing I noticed was a white purse lying in the sidewalk about a block away. I had stepped out for a coffee run and hadn’t seen anything strange happen, but the white purse caught my attention as unusual. The first thing they teach you in Red Cross first aid training is to pay […]
As part of National Preparedness Month, the Red Cross is celebrating “Save A Life September” in honor of 100 years of saving lives in Colorado. During the month-long campaign, we encourage individuals, organizations and businesses to take simple steps that could save a life. In addition to Red Cross events like the Rocky Mountain Business […]

The smell of hamburgers on the grill, the flags on parade and the excitement of fireworks…things that tell you it is the Fourth of July, Independence Day, our nation’s birthday. The perfect time to celebrate with great family outings and outdoor fun that can provide some wonderful memories. Ashtyn Austin wears eye protectors and gloves […]

The Colorado Emergency Preparedness Partnership (CEEP) held an important meeting today at Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction, CO in an effort to improve the preparedness and resilience in Western Colorado. The American Red Cross was an active participant in the meeting. Troy Staples, Ready Rating Manager for the Red Cross Colorado & Wyoming Region […]

Story by Andrea Stone/American Red Cross When lightning strikes, it can be dangerous, even deadly. That fact hit home in July 2013 when 12 Fort Carson soldiers were injured by a lightning strike while at a training area. The incident happened just days after nine farm workers were struck by lightning in northern Colorado. “People […]

by Cari Roberts, Community Preparedness and Resiliency Manager I don’t know about you, but summer feels like she’s here and ready to play! Wild weather aside, it’s that time of year when we’re meeting friends at the lake, by the pool, around the backyard BBQ, etc. To that end – and to ensure that your […]

Story by Kathleen Rowland. Photos by Walt Palmer The American Red Cross participated in a pet sheltering in disaster exercise Saturday, June 7, 2014. The Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region (HSPPR) conducted the pet sheltering exercise at the Humane Society’s main facility on Abbot Street and also at the All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church […]

by Cari Roberts, Community Preparedness and Resiliency Manager Short and sweet this week (read: Cari’s in between vacation days!)… 1) I can’t stress the value and importance of our life saving disaster apps and a NOAA weather radio with all the wild Spring weather we’re seeing. When driving through the Grand Junction area earlier this […]