Emergencies do not stop even amid our current health crisis. The Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming has not changed its mission to people who live in our communities, it has however changed how we do our mission. Every day, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, volunteers continue to meet the needs of individuals and families who […]
By Anna Blackford, American Red Cross Volunteer Hi! My name is Anna, and I am a sophomore at the University of Northern Colorado, studying Ecology and Evolution, and GIS. I grew up in Grand Junction, Colorado, and love to hike, spend time with friends and family, and binge Netflix! I started volunteering with the Red […]
Every day, volunteers continue to meet the needs of individuals and families who have suffered from disasters. In the month of February, 143 people were provided support and care from American Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming. The majority of calls were for home fire support. In addition to disaster response, the American Red Cross continuously works to educate our […]
American Red Cross of Colorado & Wyoming January 2020 Disaster Response Every day, volunteers continue to meet the needs of individuals and families who have suffered from disasters. In the month of January, 202 people needed assistance. The majority of calls were for home fire support. In addition to disaster response, the American Red Cross continuously works to educate our […]
It’s that time of year when staying healthy is on everyone’s mind— flu season. The American Red Cross urges everyone to get their influenza vaccine now. It is not too late to protect yourself and your family. This year, the CDC reports this year’s flu season is expected to peak in February but can last as […]
Every day, volunteers continue to meet the needs of individuals and families who have suffered from disasters. In the month of December, 170 people needed assistance. The majority of calls were for home fire support. In addition to disaster response, the American Red Cross is continuedly working to educate our community about preparedness. Breakdown of the CO & WY 87 county service area […]
Wow, Colorado! We are so full of gratitude. Colorado Gives Day remains one of the American Red Cross of Colorado’s largest single day of giving. This year generous donors surpassed our goal of $150,000 and instead donated over $200,000. We are blown away with the support given by Coloradans this year. Our mission at the […]
Colorado & Wyoming Red Cross Responded to 54 Calls for Help in November and Assisted 136 People The month of November 2019 brought 54 calls for Red Cross disaster assistance and we were able to help 136 people across the two-state region begin their recovery. Most of the assistance requests were for home fires totaling 50 responses. This is a decrease from November 2018 when we received 78 calls for help and supported 188 people. November 2019 was a busy month with respect to winter weather and road closures. We put volunteers […]
The American Red Cross recognizes those who have served our country – our veterans – and offers support to them at every step – from the time a service member takes the oath, through active duty, to their transition to becoming a veteran. “The Red Cross has supported those in uniform since the founding of […]
The month of October 2019 brought 85 calls for Red Cross disaster assistance and we were able to help 237 people begin their recovery across the two-state region. Most of the assistance requests were for home fires totaling 82 responses. This is an increase from September when we received 49 calls for help and supported […]