
American Red Cross of Colorado & Wyoming Continues to Respond to Communities Amid Health Crisis

Emergencies do not stop even amid our current health crisis. The Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming has not changed its mission to people who live in our communities, it has however changed how we do our mission. 

Every day, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, volunteers continue to meet the needs of individuals and families who have suffered from disasters. In the month of April,180 people were provided support and care from American Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming. The majority of calls were for home fire support.

During the month of April, our incredible volunteers also worked hard to deliver water, food products, cots and other supplies and services to people impact by the COVID-19 pandemic. These services were done all over Colorado and Wyoming, with the support of our service partners.

Breakdown of the CO & WY 87 county service area for April 2020:

Mile High Chapter (MHC) responded to 26 calls for service and helped 63 people. The MHC response area includes 10 counties in the Denver Metro area. 

Southeastern Colorado Chapter (SECO) responded to 28 calls for service and helped 56 people. The SECO response area includes 16 counties. 

Northern Colorado Chapter (NOCO) responded to 12 calls for service and helped 23 people. The NOCO response area includes 11 counties. 

Western Colorado Chapter (WECO) responded to 7 calls for service and helped 16 people. The WECO response area covers 2 counties, serving all Western Colorado and the San Luis Valley. 

Wyoming Chapter (WYO): The WYO has received 7 calls for assistance and provided care to 22 individuals. The Wyoming Chapter response area covers 21 counties in the state of Wyoming. **Wyoming does not currently have a shelter in place order, however, responses are still be treated with caution and safety. 

The families and individuals in need were provided with a variety of services, including a place to` stay, comfort kits, money for clothes, food and medicine. If needed, health and mental health services were provided. Along with providing casework for the residents in a quick and efficient time frame, Red Cross volunteers will continue to provide support to these families going forward by doing follow up work to ensure all needs are met and the individuals have a clear path to recovery. All services provided by the American Red Cross are free.