
Easier Ways to Record Volunteer Hours

Ideally you record your volunteer hours right after you work, but we know this isn’t always possible.  Make recording time easier with these tips:

  • Estimate your time – Having trouble remembering exactly how many hours you worked? Estimate your time as best you can. Remember past time can be entered at any time.
  • Combine your time – Did you work a lot of days and want to avoid multiple entries? Enter your weekly time into a single day, even if it’s more than 24 hours. For example, if you worked 6 hours per day Monday through Friday, enter all 30 hours into a single day with a comment that says something like “worked Monday to Friday.”
  • Average your time – Do you volunteer regularly? Estimate what your average per day or per week is and enter those values. For example, if your time per week varies from 0 to 20 hours, but your average is 10 hours, enter 10 hours for every week to simplify.

Recording your hours in Volunteer Connection is far more important than being exact! We hope these tips help us all achieve the 140,000-hour goal this fiscal year!

And don’t forget, this week you’ll be getting a summary of the hours you logged for January 2018. Since this is the first monthly summary I’m issuing, please be patient with any technical issues. Thanks!