Endless gratitude to blood donors

The American Red Cross of Colorado has been committed to providing blood and blood products to hospitals in the Denver metro area for many years. In the past year alone, they have supplied nearly 33,600 units of blood to 14 hospitals. On April 1, 2024, the Red Cross began offering new opportunities for the public to donate blood to save even more lives in Colorado.

Amanda Paktinat, the Regional Chief Development Officer at the Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming emphasizes the importance of donating blood. With over 13 years of service, she describes herself as a “lifer,” and credits the organization with saving her own life. Reflecting on her experience, Amanda shared that she tragically lost her second child in 2020 while facing her own health crisis requiring three blood transfusions to stabilize her.

Amanda Paktinat

“Never did I imagine that I would be a recipient of blood in the future,” she said. “I knew to be kind of aware and cautious of what my body was telling me. That evening, I was having a lot of pain—and that wasn’t normal. I was nine months pregnant, and the baby was full-term. It was a Friday evening, and I woke up the next morning, July 19, 2020, and realized I hadn’t felt him move since the night before.”

Amanda, Sophia and Cameron Paktinat celebrate the coming birth of Jackson at a baby shower.

“We rushed to the hospital where they confirmed my worst fears: the baby had passed in the night. I was not allowed to have my husband with me due to the pandemic and they told me in a room by myself that my baby had passed.”

Blood donations from the Red Cross played a crucial role in Amanda’s recovery. She describes the personal significance of seeing the name “American Red Cross” on the blood bags used for her transfusion because it felt like a lifeline and brought immediate relief. The blood she received not only saved Amanda’s life but allowed her to welcome another baby after nine months of recovery.

Amanda expresses endless gratitude to blood donors for saving her life and draws attention to the profound impact of blood donations, likening them to the exhilaration of crossing a finish line as a runner. She encourages others to overcome any nervousness or anxiety about donating and highlights its tremendous value as the gift of life.

Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. About 62% of the U.S. population is eligible to give blood but only about 3% donate. You, too, can make a lifesaving donation at a Red Cross blood collection site. All it takes is an hour of your time, but it means the world to someone in need.

The Red Cross of Colorado began accepting blood donations on April 1, 2024. To make an appointment, visit RedCrossBlood.org, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or download the Red Cross blood donation app.

The Paktinat Family

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