Flash Flooding in Wyoming

Red Cross Stands By to Offer Assistance to Those Impacted By Flooding

Red Cross of Wyoming provides assistance and safety tips to the community in Albany County

CHEYENNE, WY, AUGUST 15, 2022 — If you were impacted by the flooding on Saturday in Laramie as well as more rural areas of Albany County, the American Red Cross is here for you. Please call us 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767) – 24 hours a day. 


Returning Home Safely

  • Beware of snakes, insects and other animals that may be in or around your home.
  • If power lines are down outside your home, do not step in puddles or standing water. Report them immediately to the power company.
  • Follow these tips for inspecting your home’s structure  and utilities & systems after a flood.
  • If any gas or electrical appliances were flooded, don’t use them until they have been checked for safety.
  • Dispose of any food that has come into contact with flood water.
  • Take pictures of home damage, both of the buildings and its contents, for insurance purposes.

Cleaning and Repairing Your Home

  • Wear protective clothing, including rubber gloves and rubber boots, and be cautious when cleaning up.
  • Learn more about how to clean up after a flood, including the supplies you’ll need, how to sanitize food contact surfaces, and how to repair water damage.
  • Be careful when moving furnishings or debris, because they may be waterlogged and heavier.
  • Throw out items that absorb water and cannot be cleaned or disinfected. This includes mattresses, carpeting, cosmetics, stuffed animals and baby toys.
  • Throw out all food, beverages and medicine exposed to flood waters and mud. When in doubt, throw it out. This includes canned goods, plastic utensils, baby bottle nipples and containers with food or liquid that has been sealed shut.
  • Pump out flooded basements gradually (about one-third of the water per day) to avoid structural damage. If the water is pumped out completely in a short period of time, pressure from water-saturated soil on the outside could cause basement walls to collapse.
  • Service damaged septic tanks, cesspools, pits, and leaching systems as soon as possible. Damaged sewage systems are health hazards.

Ask a Professional to

  • Raise your furnace, water heater, and electric panel to higher floors if they are in areas of your home that may be flooded. This will prevent damage. An undamaged water heater may be your best source of fresh water after a flood.
  • Install check valves in plumbing to prevent floodwater from backing up into the drains of your home.
  • Construct barriers such as levees, berms, and flood walls to stop floodwater from entering the building. Permission to construct such barriers may be required by local building codes.
  • Seal walls in basements with waterproofing compounds to avoid seepage through cracks.