
Giving Where You Live

Wow, Colorado! We are so full of gratitude. Colorado Gives Day remains one of the American Red Cross of Colorado’s largest single day of giving. This year generous donors surpassed our goal of $150,000 and instead donated over $200,000. We are blown away with the support given by Coloradans this year.  

Our mission at the Red Cross isn’t just to help people in times of need during a disaster, we also work diligently to provide preventative services to communities and people all over Colorado. This past year we installed more than 6,100 free smoke alarms into homes and also provided support and assistance to more than 14,000 military members, veterans and their families.

Donations received this year by the amazing people of Colorado will go towards these and many other programs that will impact and help people in Colorado. Thank you, Colorado. Thank you for giving something that means something; our communities thank you!