Thursday evening a wildfire was discovered near Deer Creek Canyon Park in Jefferson County that has caused evacuation for more than 130 homes. Jefferson County Emergency Management opened an evacuation center at Chatfield High School and the Red Cross was called to provide food for people affected by the fire. In a briefing at 1:00 P.M. Jefferson County Sheriff stated that the fire was 100 percent contained. Follow Jeffcosheriffco on Twitter for the latest updates about evacuations.

The Red Cross dispatched a mobile feeding vehicle (MFV) to the evacuation center with four Red Cross disaster responders to help with feeding and to help at the evacuation center.

A Red Cross volunteer was also dispatched to the emergency operations center to support coordination for this wildfire response.
The Red Cross of Colorado remains available to provide additional support if needed.
Jefferson County Sheriff urges people to heed evacuation notices when they are issued. Follow @jeffcosheriffco on Twitter or on Facebook as JeffersonCountySheriff.