Denver, Thursday, March 24, 2016, Noon – The American Red Cross of Colorado responded to the call for help on Wednesday as travelers were stranded across much of northeast Colorado.
At the height of the response the Red Cross and partners had opened 13 emergency warming centers and was supporting nearly 350 people with food, coffee and other comforts. By midnight most of the shelters were closed as the roads opened and travelers were able to continue.
All shelters in Colorado have closed. The Burlington shelter closed around 9 a.m. and the shelter at SD49 Patriot Learning Center in Falcon closed at noon.
The Red Cross would like to thank all of our community partners who opened warming centers on short notice and the many merchants who stepped up to provide food for the people. In addition, we want to give a big thank you to all the emergency responders who rescued stranded motorists and in some cases transported Red Cross volunteers so they could open shelters.
Red Cross Responds to Help with 2016 Colorado Blizzard
Nearly 350 people sheltered Wednesday evening