Robby Gallob: Helping neighbors in need

By Josh Egbert, American Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming Public Affairs 

If it’s happening in Wright, Wyoming, Robby Gallob may be the first to know. Robby is the Coordinator for the Town of Wright but also wears another hat, American Red Cross of Wyoming volunteer—a position he’s held since August 2016.  

“I got involved to help be there for my neighbors and community when they are in need,” said Robby.  

The Wright community is important to Robby. It’s where he grew up, graduated from high school and where he’s raising his family. As part of the Red Cross, he serves as a Community Volunteer Leader and Duty Disaster Officer trainee. He also manages local Disaster Action Team members. But there are several Red Crossers who’ve helped him along the way.  

“There have been several people who’ve helped guide me, including Senior Disaster Program Manager Erick Oubre and the executive director of the Wyoming chapter, Janet Novick. They’ve been exceptionally helpful,” said Robby.  

“Robby is an outstanding Red Cross Community Volunteer Leader,” said Janet. ”He genuinely cares deeply about his community, as evidenced by his involvement with the Red Cross and several other organizations. He leads the Wright Preparedness Advisory Council and publishes a regular preparedness newsletter for the area. He is dependable and always has a great attitude.”  

For Robby, helping his community in their time of need is why he does what he does, both as a city employee and as a Red Cross volunteer. That help, Robby says, sometimes turns into close friends given the size of Wright, which is why he encourages anyone thinking about becoming a volunteer to sign up.  

“Focus on the good you can do,” said Robby. “The work can be intimidating to get to the point where you can help but it is worth it as is the friendships you build along the way.” 

If you want to be like Robby, click here to learn more about volunteer opportunities in your community.