
How to Stay Safe this Summer

Summer is just ahead when we all spend a lot of time outside, enjoying the outdoors. But this year summer fun will be different due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The American Red Cross offers safety tips you can follow.

If your community is reopening, know what precautions to take in public settings.


Many public pools and lakes may be closed this summer. Follow the guidance of state and local officials. Make sure the area is designated for swimming. Once there, maintain social distancing, both in and out of the water, between you and people who don’t live with you. If you don’t think your child can do this, come up with another activity.

BE WATER SMART. Have swimming skills and know how to help others. Achieve the skills of water competency: be able to enter the water, get a breath, stay afloat, change position, swim a distance and then get out of the water safely.

GRILLING SAFETY Summer is a popular time for grilling family meals at home. Yet grilling fires spark more than 10,000 home fires on average each year. To avoid this:

HELP SAVE LIVES THIS SUMMER Give blood, platelets or plasma—we’re all in this together! Visit redcrossblood.org for more information or to schedule your donation.

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES The Red Cross has several resources to help protect yourself, your loved ones and your community:

Original Story by the American Red Cross