2013 Colorado Floods: Looking Back One Year Later

by Bill Fortune
One year after the historic floods that affected a third of Colorado’s counties, the American Red Cross continues to help individuals and communities.

Our hearts go out to the people and communities who have suffered from the devastating floods. We know it has been hard and we are still with you all the way.

Our volunteers and employees have been working diligently since the night before the floods struck to provide safety, comfort, care and aid to those affected. To commemorate the anniversary of these devastating floods, we thought it would be interesting to look back through the stories and information that we have shared over the past 12 months.

The following are links to stories on our Colorado Red Cross blog. We hope that as you browse these articles, you will witness the commitment and compassion of our dedicated Red Cross volunteers as they’ve served people affected by the2013 Colorado Floods. You will also see the hardships that those people endured and the strength of their character as they continue the long road to recovery.