
America’s PrepareAthon! 2014

America’s PrepareAthon! is an opportunity for individuals, organizations, and communities to prepare for emergencies through drills, group discussions, and exercises.

National PrepareAthon! Day is September 30 and it is designed to prompt us all to take the actions to prepare for these six specific hazards:

So what can you do as part of America’s PrepareAthon? The goal of this campaign is to increase the number of people and organizations who understand what disasters could happen in their community. Knowing what might happen helps understand how to prepare. We want people to know what they can do to be safe and how they can reduce the impact of emergencies.

Most importantly we want people to take action. Just do one thing to make you, your family, your school, your business or your organization better prepared. Just pick one of the steps toward making yourself “Red Cross Ready”. We are sure that completing one of the steps will lead to completing the other two and that will lead you to be better prepared.

Some other things you might consider as part of America’s PrepareAthon would be to work within your community or organization to set up preparedness events. Talk to your neighbors or coworkers about what they have done. You might plan a “preparedness party or potluck”. You could attend a neighborhood watch meeting and suggest getting a speaker to talk about preparedness. You could request a speaker from the American Red Cross to give the Be Red Cross Ready class to a group of neighbors or coworkers. You could attend the Be Red Cross Ready class offered by your local Red Cross chapter.

There are many ways to participate in America’s PrepareAthon and even more way to improve your preparedness. Check out FEMA’s PrepareAthon Web Site for a fact sheet and other ideas.

Most importantly, do something! Be Smart. Take Part. Prepare.  Don’t wait until it is too late!