Stay Mentally Healthy throughout these Strange Times

By Amanda Waddell, American Red Cross Volunteer There’s no denying it. We are all experiencing a dramatic shift in our lives right now. The COVID-19 pandemic has found the majority of us in very different circumstances than we were in just a few weeks ago. Whether that is a change in work environment, loss of […]

Red Cross Month – March 2020

Governor of Colorado, Jared Polis and Governor of Wyoming, Mark Gordon declare March as Red Cross Month Now is the time to become a volunteer Story by Miyana Shively, The American Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming The observation of March as Red Cross Month serves as a call to action to anyone who has […]

Spring Forward

Test and Turn As you turn your clocks to spring forward this weekend for daylight saving time, please also test your smoke alarms. Home fires are the nation’s most frequent disaster, claiming seven lives every day in the U.S. But a working smoke alarm can cut the risk of death by half. You can also […]

Red Cross Honors Woody Faircloth

In wake of the Camp Fire in California, Faircloth made it his mission to find homes for stranded families. Woody Faircloth watched in horror as the town of Paradise, California was ruined by wildfire. Watching the news coverage, Faircloth knew he had to do something. For their heroic and lifesaving acts, Woody Faircloth and his […]

Red Cross Honors Brendan Bialy and Kendrick Castillo

Their heroic efforts saved countless lives during the STEM High School Shooting. While Brendan Bialy and Kendrick Castillo watched another student walk into their 12th grade English class and pull out a gun, they knew they had to do something. For their heroic and lifesaving acts, Brendan Bialy and Kendrick Castillo received the American Red Cross […]

Red Cross Honors MillerCoors Employees

MillerCoors employees put their own lives in danger to rescue a woman from an icy creek. If eight MillerCoors employees had not come to the rescue, a woman would be dead after getting stuck on one of Colorado’s turbulent waterways. For their heroic and lifesaving acts, James Shrider, Christian Zelenak, Lori Peterson, Sean Nash, Louis […]

Celebrating the Hometown Heroes of Pueblo

Story and photos by Bill Fortune, American Red Cross Often people in our community step up to do extraordinary things to make our lives better and our community stronger. Those acts of kindness, compassion or community service often go unnoticed and, just as often, have a positive impact that deserves recognition. The American Red Cross […]

Preparing for the Recovery Process

An emergency binder can help you resume your life, faster. By Elizabeth Brown, American Red Cross We often plan for our family’s immediate safety in times of disaster, but not for the recovery process. After an emergency, when it’s time to resume life as usual, you will need personal, medical and financial information to get […]