21 Gun Salute and a Hometown Barbecue.

George Evans, the American Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming Regional Warehouse Supervisor, has been a volunteer with the American Red Cross since 2017. Before his service with the Red Cross, George served our country.  Linda Yoskowitz, Colorado and Wyoming Regional Logistics Lead has worked closely with George for several years. “George is a wonderful […]

Shining Example of a True Humanitarian

By Catie Ballenger, Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming Public Affairs Lynda Monsey, a former Nurse Practitioner at Boulder Valley Women’s Health Center and American Red Cross of Colorado volunteer extraordinaire, is retiring from the Red Cross. As the Mile-High Chapter Health Services team lead, she was responsible for coordinating, supervising and mentoring Health Services […]

Celebrating our American Red Cross Volunteers during National Military Appreciation Month!

by Mary Jo Blackwood, Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming  Public Affairs Every month we should be celebrating both our volunteers and our military. Nice when we can do both!  Lieutenant Colonel Deanna M. Tuley was born on an air force base and grew up in a military family. Her father, Everett, retired as a […]

The Red Cross COVID Pivot Part 2

By Mary Jo Blackwood, American Red Cross of Colorado, Public Affaitrs As we discussed previously, the current pandemic has affected all aspects of Red Cross operations and service delivery, but because of our long established ability to pivot when confronted with barriers, Red Cross operations and services have continued. With the high visibility of disaster […]

Mental Health Awareness Month

By Jessica Hillenbrand, American Red Cross of Colorado, Public Affairs May is Mental Health Awareness month. When people think of the American Red Cross, they often don’t know that we offer mental health services to those affected by disaster and that we have a fantastic workforce serving as Disaster Mental Health volunteers. As defined by […]

National Nurses Month

By Jessica Hillenbrand, American Red Cross of Colorado, Public Affairs This May and every May, we celebrate National Nurses Month! Since the beginning of the pandemic, it has never been a more critical time to honor our Nation’s nurses, especially the nurses who serve with the American Red Cross! Clara Barton, the founder of the […]

The Measure of a Life

Written by, Sarah Phelps, American Red Cross Public Affairs Volunteer Egon Gerson poured so much into his 100 years that writing a short memorial seems a disservice.  The summation of a life spent in selfless compassion and extraordinary helpfulness is a mere glimpse into a profoundly rich experience.  Egon emigrated to the United States from […]

Volunteer Profile: Karine Zubialde

By Rick Padden, American Red Cross Public Affairs Name: Karine Zubialde Location: Wiggins GAP: NOCO community chapter board member, community volunteer leader- ambassador, DAT service associate, DAT supervisor, logistics DCS member, shelter DCS member and a shelter DCS supervisor trainee Length of service: 1 year  Karine Zubialde was 27 when she left her birthplace of […]

Volunteer for Life

by Amanda Waddell, American Red Cross If I could volunteer my life away, I would. Seriously. Spending time prioritizing service to the community, to my neighbors, to the world, is the dream. Until I can spend all my hours and days working with nonprofits, I have to pick and choose which organizations can be that […]