Critical Fire Weather Conditions

Preparing for wildfires doesn’t have to be hard, just follow these steps to help make sure your family is prepared to either evacuate or shelter in place.

  • The first step is to determine whether you are at risk for wildfires. Reach out to your state or local government emergency management agency for information.
  • Next, create an evacuation plan. Plan what to do in case you are separated from your family during an emergency and if you have to evacuate. Coordinate your plan with your child’s school, your work and your community’s emergency plans. Plan multiple routes to local shelters, register family members with special medical needs as required and make plans for pets.
  • If you already have an emergency plan, update and it and review with family members so everyone knows what to do if an emergency occurs.
  • Build an emergency kit with a gallon of water per person, per day, non-perishable food, a flashlight, battery-powered radio, first aid kit, medications, supplies for an infant and pets if applicable, a multi-purpose tool, personal hygiene items, copies of important papers, cell phone chargers, extra cash, blankets, maps of the area and emergency contact information. Because of the pandemic, include a mask for everyone in your household.
  • If you already have a disaster kit, now is the time make sure the food and water is still okay to consume and that copies of important documents are up to date.
  • Be informed. Find out how local officials will contact you during a wildfire emergency and how you will get important information, such as evacuation orders.
  • Download the free Red Cross Emergency app to help keep you and your loved ones safe with real-time alerts, open Red Cross shelter locations and safety advice on wildfires and other emergencies.



Prevention is critical. People cause 85% of wildfires by burning debris, using equipment improperly, discarding cigarettes carelessly, leaving campfires unattended or intentionally setting a fire. To help prevent wildfires, follow these tips.

  • Don’t drive your vehicle onto dry grass or brush. Hot components under your vehicle can spark fires.
  • Use equipment responsibly. Lawn mowers, chain saws, tractors and trimmers can all spark a wildfire.
  • Use caution any time you use fire. Dispose of charcoal briquettes and fireplace ashes properly, never leave any outdoor fire unattended, and make sure that outdoor fires are fully extinguished before leaving the area.
  • If residential debris burning is allowed — use caution. After obtaining any necessary permits, ensure that burning is not currently restricted in your area.
  • Store combustible or flammable materials in approved safety containers away from the house.


Wildfires are dangerous fires that can spread quickly, giving you only moments to evacuate. Take these steps now to help keep your household safe.

  • Have access to alerts and notifications so that you can monitor conditions and receive instructions from local officials, even during a power outage. Keep track of fires near you so you can be ready to evacuate quickly.
  • Register to receive any free emergency alerts that your community offers.     
  • Understand your community’s plan to notify individuals with disabilities.
  • Purchase a battery-powered radio to receive information from local authorities during a power outage.
  • Find an outdoor water source such as a pond, well, even a swimming pool, and have a hose that can reach any area of your property.
  • Create a fire-resistant zone free of leaves, debris or flammable materials for at least 30 feet out from your home.
  • Regularly clean roofs and gutters.
  • Make sure driveway entrances and your house number are clearly marked so fire vehicles can get to your home.
  • Designate a room that can be closed off from outside air. Close all doors and windows. Set up a portable air cleaner to keep indoor pollution levels low when smoky conditions exist.
  • Use fire-resistant materials to build, renovate or make repairs.
  • Post emergency phone numbers by every phone in your house and make sure everyone has those numbers in their cell phones.


Be prepared to evacuate at a moment’s notice and obey all evacuation orders from officials.

  • Follow these steps (if time allows):
    • Shut all windows and doors. Remove flammable window shades, curtains and close metal shutters.
    • Move flammable furniture to the center of the room, away from windows and doors.
    • Shut off gas at the meter; turn off pilot lights. Shut off the air conditioning.
    • Gather up flammable items from the exterior of the house and bring them inside (patio furniture, toys, trash cans).
    • Turn off propane tanks. Move propane BBQ appliances away from structures.
    • Don’t leave sprinklers on or water running, they can affect critical water pressure.
    • Back your loaded car into the driveway and keep all doors and windows closed.
    • Ensure your emergency supplies kit is in your vehicle.
    • Locate your pets and take them with you.