When All Other Communications Are Down – Gold Hill Now Has a Solution

by Patricia Billinger Drive into the mountains west of Boulder, and you feel transported back in time: rustic wooden mining buildings from the Victorian era hug the hillsides, many roads remain unpaved, and cell phone service is rare. Residents have continued a long-standing tradition of rugged self-reliance because they know that when bad weather or […]

Pulpit Rock Neighborhood Evacuation Exercise

By Kathleen Rowland, Media Relations Volunteer On Saturday morning, October 18, the Pikes Peak Chapter of the American Red Cross participated in a neighborhood evacuation exercise held at Russell Middle School in Colorado Springs. The cool, bright morning began early for volunteers setting up the mock shelter. Around 9 a.m., after receiving notification to begin […]

When Peyton Wins, the Red Cross wins!

According to the sports analysts, the Denver Broncos broke all sorts of records during their win over Arizona on Sunday, Oct. 5 – including the franchise record for total offense and  “fastest QB to reach 500 TDs.” Courtesy of NFL.com So it comes as a well-deserved recognition that fans chose Manning as this week’s FedEx […]

National Preparedness Campaign Reaches Thousands

In September, the Red Cross joined other agencies across the country in promoting National Preparedness Month. This year, in honor of 100 years of saving lives in Colorado, we promoted preparedness under the theme of “Save a Life September.” Highlights of Red Cross National Preparedness Month efforts included the Rocky Mountain Business Preparedness Academy in […]

America’s PrepareAthon! 2014

America’s PrepareAthon! is an opportunity for individuals, organizations, and communities to prepare for emergencies through drills, group discussions, and exercises. National PrepareAthon! Day is September 30 and it is designed to prompt us all to take the actions to prepare for these six specific hazards: Earthquake Flood Hurricane Tornado Wildfire Winter Storm So what can […]

What Hazards Could Shutter Your Business?

By Jana Mathieson If you’re a business owner or leader, you may have already thought through what you would do in case of a fire or a flood. You may have a great plan in place to ensure continuity of your business operations. But have you taken into consideration what would happen if the business […]

You Never Know Who Will Step Up and Help

Natalie Johnson Director Manitou Springs Art District By Jana Mathieson In 2013, the city of Manitou Springs knew they could be in for flood trouble. They were right. Businesses and residents had been told in advance that flooding was possible. But what did that really mean? What it meant was that people could not be […]

Red Cross Volunteers Saving Lives with Home Fire Safety Campaign

A warm Saturday morning and Pueblo volunteers got an early start in their effort to canvas neighborhoods on the southeast side. The canvassing is part of an effort to provide free smoke alarms in areas that have had a history of fatalities caused by home fires. The Pueblo volunteers partnered with volunteers from Loaf’N Jug […]